Daaaaammmmn, we’re already through January. I’ll do a recap on that budget this week when some last-minute purchases post to our accounts.
Here’s what is going on in February:
-Hubby is actively looking for work now that his month break is ending. He’s opting to go the W-2 route for a while longer before he decides to jump into the entrepreneur role or not. He’s got some part-time stuff lined up to bring in some income…. So that means I don’t actually know how much we will bring in this month. It makes my planner head hurt, but it’s a good lesson in making adjustments and dealing with the unknown.
-I got a bonus and small raise in January and had made some paycheck adjustments, so I won’t know until I get my first February pay stub what my normal take-home pay will look like exactly. Again, learning to adjust.
-From our sinking funds, we’re really only expecting our yearly Amazon Prime membership payment.
-I’ll need to renew my passport. Not that anyone’s going on vacation, but the possibility of an international work trip did come up.
-No birthday gifts expected, but I will probably be giving a friend about $100 in a housewarming gift card or cash.
Other than that, a pretty quiet month. I made some small adjustments to our regular expenses based on January’s numbers. Whatever extra hubby ends up bringing in will go to savings, as I’m preparing for another big tax bill this year. I will one day master the W-4…
Are you expecting any major changes to your budget for February?